Flash Google Play Store In HCL Me U1, V1, Y1 Tablets

Flash Google Play Store In HCL Me U1, V1, Y1 Tablets
As We know some of the HCL Tablets officially don't support Google Play Store or Android Market. Now We are here with a solution that how can we install Google Play store on HCL ME (U1, V1, Y1, Y2, Y4, X1) tab. This method tested on my HCL Me U1 and it is 100% safe for all device's. In preview post we talk about How to Root HCL Me Tab. Do you know HCL Me U2 Tab comes with the officially Play Store App. Note:- We are not responsible for any damage. All instruction apply at your own risk.


  • Google Play Store Apk and Play Service Apk (Link Given in End of Post)
  • Android Commander for Windows
  • Root HCL ME Device for Some variants
  • Battery Charged at-least 60%
  • Windows PC for installing Android Commander

How to Install Play Store

  1. First download files from end of post and extract all file's On Your Desktop.
  2. Install Android Commander on your notebook or Computer
  3. Now You need to connect your device in Debugging mode by using a genuine data cable
  4. After connecting, Run Android Commander and copy play store.apk & google play service.apk and paste in \system\app
  5. Now Disconnect your smart device
  6. Factory Data Reset
  7. After Reset Mission Complete, Now check in Application menu play store app has installed successfully 
  8. Now, Sign-In With Your Google ID
  9. Enjoy Google Play Store Store

Download here
Play Store - http://bit.ly/1QxzOW7
Android Commander -http://bit.ly/1LDE0pi


Today I Share Tutorial about How To Install Play Store on HCL me tab. This method tested on my HCL me u1 tablet and  I Install successfully play store and it's working like other google play store. Please Leave your comment if you like my guide or if you face any problem to follow steps. Thanks and Have A Nice Day ;)

Before you Go

Do you know, If you are try to install WhatsApp on your HCL Me Tab, if will show verification fail because there is not available SIM card access option but you can check out tutorial about How to Install WhatsApp on HCL Me Tab.